Weather & thunderstorm arrangement
Typhoon and Black Rainstorm Warning Signals Arrangements for McWe Classes and Workshops
Classes that have not yet started:
If Typhoon Signal No. 8 (or above) or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal are in force after the following times, classes and exams will cancelled as indicated below:
7.00am: Classes that start before 2.00pm.
11.00am: Afternoon classes that start between 2.00pm & 6.00 pm.
4.00pm: Evening classes that start from 6.00 pm and onwards
For classes that have already started:
When Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted: Immediately suspend
When Black Rainstorm Signal is announced: Continue
When Typhoon Signal No.3 is hoisted or Red Rainstorm Signal is announced: Continue
Under all other signals and circumstances, classes will proceed as scheduled.