WSET Level 2 Award in Wines

(Formerly: WSET Intermediate Certificate in Wines)


This qualification which teach you about the key grape varieties grown around the world. The different styles of wine produced. The systematic approach to wine tasting is followed when tasting each wine.



Course Outline
- Introduction to wine making & factors influencing wine style
- Key white and red grape varieties
- Key wine producing regions of the world
- Sparkling wines
- Sweet & Fortified Wines
- Wine labeling terms
- Tasting technique based on the Level 2 WSET® Systematic Approach to Tasting

No previous wine knowledge is required. Class is appropriate for students who have a serious interest in wine, and those who wish to broaden their knowledge. The level 2 course covers the wines of the world in six three-hour sessions, followed by a one-hour multiple choice examination on a final (extra) session.


Total Course Duration: 16 hours (8 sessions)


Courses to be conducted either in Cantonese or English


Successful candidates receive the WSET level 2 Certificate.


The WSET Level 2 Award in Wines is not a prerequisite for the WSET Level 3 Award in Wines program. Though, candidates that start with the level 2 course tend to do better in the level 3 class.


WSET Specification


Upcoming Schedule

Course NameDateTimeStatusApply
 2023 Mar 4, 11, 18 & 25
 (Sat) 10:00am - 2:00pm
 Exam: 2023 Apr 13 (Thu) 7:00pm - 8:00pm
 **subject to change**



Venue: Wanchai

Room 1606, The Broadway, 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, HK

Total duration: 17 hours (included examination)

Tuition Fee: (Wines, Study Pack and WSET Level 2 examination included)


WSET Specification


Enquiry: 2915 9310



Group Discount (Group of 3 or more) : HK$6,380 per person